Martyna Cudak Logo

Sell your Item

My Role:

  • Create harmony between users needs, business requirement and and technical limitations
  • Working closely with business analyst, designers and stakeholders to conduct the plan and storyboards
  • Sketching design concept and producing wireframes
  • Planning and developing interactive prototypes
  • Testing on early stage with few different age groups
  • A/B online testing
The Problem:

I started this project by focusing on key statistics from Google Analytics, users spent 3 minutes by filling all important information without submitting the car advert.

  • Mobile drop off - 60% from 55% users.
  • Desktop drop off - 45% from 37% users.
Our main principles:
1. Cut out the clutter
  • Interface overloads our users with to much information
  • Add simple rule of thumb: One primary action per screen
2. Show our users where they are
  • Coherent and consistent navigation
  • Should communicate the current location: Where am I?
3. Minimize need for typing
  • Keep forms short and simple by removing any unnecessary fields
  • Easier, more obvious steps


Along with the information found on Google Analytics and also from Hotjar, I conducted interviews with few users. Main key questions we asked:

What is your Age group? (18-25, 26-35, 36-45, 46-55, 56+)

What is your profession?

How often do you use your car?

Are you considering buying a newer car?

How often do you use Carzone site?

User Flow sitemap


After the user flow draft, I began with mobile first wireframes and after I was happy with the results I worked with the desktop version. I conducted a few user testing on a very early stage by printing the wireframes and ask users to complete the task. That was a very good experience, I learned that our users focused more on the process rather than design.

If you like what you see and want to chat please contact me!

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